A remote car starter is a great way to ease your way into the Tri-State area’s bitterly cold winters, allowing you to defrost your vehicle’s windows without setting foot outdoors. What’s more, a Consumer Reports study has alleviated any lingering concerns about fuel economy. Even a full-size car with a V-8 engine cost the research team only $.36 to idle for ten minutes; if you own a smaller vehicle, your costs are likely lower still.
What Do You Need to Know?

When you’re choosing a remote car starter, keep a few key points in mind to ensure you have a device that will continue to function well for you for years to come. Before purchase, make sure you:
- Choose a device with the reach you need. Installing a remote car starter won’t do you much good this winter if your transmitter can’t access the device in your vehicle. While most devices will start from around 500 feet away, you’ll want to pay particular attention to transmitter power. Consider where your vehicle will be parked at home or work, assess how many walls and other obstacles stand between, and look for a powerful transmitter that will allow you to start your vehicle from the comfort of indoors.
- Look for quality first. These days, you can purchase a remote car starter practically anywhere, from eBay to the local auto parts store. Unfortunately, with these second-tier – and often second-hand – devices, you get what you pay for. In most cases, you won’t see the high-quality brands we install at third-party shops, and, even if you do, they’re not guaranteed to be authentic, quality devices.
- Always choose professional installation. While some cheap, third-party devices are sold with instructions for self-install, don’t be fooled; installation of a remote car starter involves some fairly complicated wiring not advisable for hobbyists or even general mechanics. Your best option is to use the specialty dealer you purchased from – that way, you can be sure your installer has a wealth of knowledge and experience with your chosen remote car starter and can handily overcome any obstacles that arise during installation.
Samm Sound is Your Choice for Quality Remote Car Starter Experts
Our expert automotive team can answer your questions and ensure you find a top of the line remote car starter that will serve you well for the life of your vehicle. Then, you can count on us for quality installation, performed on-site in our custom garage.